Exposing The South African Celebrity Bapholmet Worship
Many don't believe that symbolism that is seen overseas can be found on our land in Africa. It is from this article that I would like to show you that symbolism does not change, And its meaning stays the same throw the generations. So when we look at the pyramid and the eye symbol in america, we know its in relation to the pyramid on the back of the 1 dollar bill, We know the Illuminati had a hand in the design of the dollar bill. America has no pyramid but the seal of the american dollar bill has the pyramid.
But we seem to change when we see the pyramid locally in South Africa. We then think its just a symbol that has no meaning to it. Like when we see
This is a conference centre on Ellof street town in Johannesburg
Called The pyramid
Now it has the eye in-front of it, since its an honour building to the Egyptians, now the eye there is the eye of Horus. One of the greats of Egypt. Those were Idols back then and today we have accepted Idols as a daily thing to be looked at. People audition and want to became an Idol
they want to be worshipped
The eye of horus , Its seen like this in Egypt. This is what God did not like about Egypt..
or like this
It is the same symbol only in a different location (South Africa). this symbol is seen done by devil worshippers and Freemasons and Illuminati forks all over the world. Here we can see some of them giving honour to the eye of horus doing it. They might not be devil worshippers but they are worshipping the beast that seeks to take worship from God.
Actor beyonce bono
Tyra Justin
All this is giving honour to the god of the age (2 Corinthians 4.4) Lucifer
This triangle around the eye is a symbol of a group called the Illuminati, also spoken of in the movie angels and demons. If you saw the movie you might remember this image
The way it is written, it spells Illuminati backwards and forward.
So when celebs do this sign they salute the group, they appear as puppets that indirectly worship
the devil. Though others worship him directly.
The Industry is the same everywhere. Artists and actors are Idols for you to worship by looking up to them. That way worship has being stolen from God to man.
One eye
Everybody is doing it. But that should not change the meaning of the symbol. Its satanic.
Alicia Keys is seen doing the eye salute and the devil horns salute. it is from
The Goat of Satanism.
They All doing it course they sell out to get into the Music business
So the Question is does it Change its meaning at any-time at all?
Here we See Bonang Matheba Doing the devil Horns, does it now lose its original meaning course its Bonang?
Again We see bonang doing the One eye like the american idols were. does it change meaning?

Here she is seen wearing a pyramid around hear neck and a half moon symbol that stands for BAAL worship, also seen in Judges 8.21, the bible says"The Zebah and Zalmunna responded, Get up & attack us yourself, Since a man's valor is only as good as the man himself. So Gideon got up and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and took away the crescent-shaped necklaces that adorned their camel's necks. " So in that we can see that Gideon removed this symbols of worship from their camels necks and we can see Bonang wearing that crescent moon symbol, which is a symbol of Baal Worship" And you can see this in Judges8.33-35, the end of the chapter, were it says when Gideon died they went back to that Baal worship. to show that this symbol is again not a symbol we should take after.
Here she is almost stripping herself naked,
Leviticus 19.29 says"Do not profane your daughter by making her a harlot, so that the land will not fall to harlotry and the land become full of lewdness:"
This is why today's youth is just a mess. because they look up to people like this who are a complete mess.
This Celebrities are a mess themselves and ones in a while you will hear them say god this, god that but do not be fooled, they don't believe the God of the bible, The God of the bible does not advice this mess they do and bring forward. He says, What shall it profit a man to gain the world (in fame) but lose his own soul Mark 8.36. They lose their souls in selling out to became who they are on the camera. They appear naked on camera. Fulfilling the wish of Alex Crowley that says " Men should Do what thou wilt" meaning do your own thing, And for those of you that wonder who Crowley is an old mason and Satanist that never kept it secret who he was worshipping. This celebrities are not people you wana keep before your eyes. Here you can see Somiz with that one eye outfit.
The same one eye of Lucifer on Somizi.
Bonang again with the horns
and now she just does it openly with musician AKA
Does it change meaning course its in South Africa?
No it does not, Just like the Judges 8 symbol.
Its still the devil Horns
Here she is with the so-called symbol of Peace, go do research you will find its true meaning.
Here she closely copies Tony Baxton's dress which is disgraceful
She goes to host a show, and in its ad there is Justin Timber-lake pointing at the 666 symbol.
Listern to what one of the most honoured a 33 degree Freemason said in one of his books and I quote:
"page 516-517 - Morals And dogma - Albert Pike. 33 Degree Freemason"
meaning by symbolism associates you with a deity. as he continues he warns
"All great Reformers have warred against this evil, deeply feeling the intellectual mischief arising out of a degraded idea of the Supreme Being: and have claimed for their own God an existence or personality distinct from the objects of ancient superstition; disowning in His name the symbols and images that had profaned His Temple....., and to re-place a gross symbolism by a purer one. Every man, without being aware of it, worships a conception of his own mind (they want to do it their own way); for all symbolism, as well as all language, shares the subjective character of the ideas it represents.
that means the meaning is always the same
"page 517 - Morals And dogma - Albert Pike. 33 Degree Freemason"
Listern to what one of the most honoured a 33 degree Freemason said in one of his books and I quote:
Dangers of Symbolism
"There are, it is true, dangers inseparable from symbolism,.. Though perhaps a necessary path, they were a dangerous one by which to approach the Deity;"page 516-517 - Morals And dogma - Albert Pike. 33 Degree Freemason"
meaning by symbolism associates you with a deity. as he continues he warns
"All great Reformers have warred against this evil, deeply feeling the intellectual mischief arising out of a degraded idea of the Supreme Being: and have claimed for their own God an existence or personality distinct from the objects of ancient superstition; disowning in His name the symbols and images that had profaned His Temple....., and to re-place a gross symbolism by a purer one. Every man, without being aware of it, worships a conception of his own mind (they want to do it their own way); for all symbolism, as well as all language, shares the subjective character of the ideas it represents.
that means the meaning is always the same
"page 517 - Morals And dogma - Albert Pike. 33 Degree Freemason"
So Our message is simple, Remove your eyes from such perverted people. Come to Jesus were true freedom is the freedom from sins and the bondage of man's service which calls you to nude. And he will take you into his hands and Kingdom. Salvation is not gona come from this so called Idols of human kind. but In Jesus, For the Scripture tells us: There is no other name accept the name of Jesus (Acts 4.16)
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email: christmovementsouthafrica@gmail.com
by Mj & R13 at Christ movement South Africa
copyrights @ heavens doors. Feel free to duplicate